Maximize Reach with Content Remix

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Origin 63
October 18,2024
8 minute read

Seamless Content Repurposing with HubSpot's Content Remix

If you want to survive as a business in the modern age, you need a strong digital presence. This usually means being present everywhere your audience is: LinkedIn, social media, blogs, podcasts, and more. 


But for many business owners, this can feel like an overwhelming task. The good news? You don't need to drown in work or hire an army of content creators. Tools like HubSpot's Content Remix can help you maintain a robust digital presence without breaking a sweat. 


Content Remix lets you repurpose your existing content into various formats. In this blog post, we'll explore HubSpot's Content Remix, how it works, and why it's a game-changer for busy business owners like you.


What Is HubSpot’s Content Remix?

 Using one content for different channels, What Is HubSpot’s Content Remix?


HubSpot's Content Remix is an AI-powered tool that helps you repurpose your existing content into different formats for various channels. It's quick and simple content creation, one of AI's top use cases.


85% of marketers say AI helps them improve their content, while 82% say it helps them create content more efficiently. How does it work?


You start with a single piece of content—maybe a blog post about your latest product. You then feed that blog post into Content Remix, and the tool uses AI to turn it into other content types.


For example, it can transform your post into social media updates, email newsletters, landing pages, SMS messages, audio content, images, video scripts, or even ad copy.


Let’s say you own a small bakery and just wrote a blog about your new gluten-free pastries. Content Remix can take that post and turn the main points into a series of Instagram posts, generate a short email newsletter highlighting the benefits of going gluten-free, or even create ad copy for a Facebook campaign promoting your new pastries. 


It could also produce an SMS message for a flash sale, all from that one blog post. You won’t need to start from scratch for each new piece of content—Content Remix does the heavy lifting for you.


Benefits of Content Remix

But why do you need Content Remix? It streamlines the entire process of repurposing your existing material, saving you time, keeping your message consistent, and helping you reach new audiences. Here’s how it can benefit your business:



One of the biggest advantages is how much time you’ll save. Instead of spending hours crafting individual content for each platform, you can quickly create multiple pieces in just minutes. 

Service professionals say using AI helps them save two hours of work daily. This frees up valuable time to focus on other aspects of your business, including product development, customer service, or strategy.


Consistency Across Channels

Marketer working at the office, Consistency across channels with HubSpot’s Content Remix


Maintaining a consistent message across different platforms can be tricky. With Content Remix, your voice and key messages stay uniform, whether in a blog post, social media update, or email newsletter. 

This helps reinforce your brand identity and keeps your audience on the same page, no matter where they engage with you.


Expanded Reach

Not everyone follows your blog or opens your emails, but repurposing content across platforms increases your chances of reaching different audiences. 


Content Remix lets you put your message in front of people who might not have seen the original piece—whether scrolling through Instagram or reading a Facebook ad.



Hiring extra staff or freelancers to create unique content for each platform can get expensive. Using AI can help with this issue. 62% of professionals find AI important to their marketing.


Content Remix helps you stretch your existing content further with minimal added cost, making it a budget-friendly solution for businesses of any size.


Experimentation Made Easy

Want to try out a new social media platform or content format without a big time commitment? Content Remix makes adapting your existing content for new channels easy, allowing you to experiment and test different formats or platforms without the usual hassle.


SEO Benefits

Repurposing content across various platforms also boosts your search engine visibility. The more your content appears in different places, the better your chances of being found.


For example, if you're a fitness trainer who's written a blog post about "10 Easy Home Workouts," you could use Content Remix to:

  • Create a series of short video scripts demonstrating each exercise for YouTube.
  • Generate social media posts highlighting a "Workout of the Day" for Instagram and Facebook.
  • Produce a weekly email newsletter with a featured workout and nutrition tip.
  • Design eye-catching infographics summarizing the workouts for Pinterest.


This way, you're reaching fitness enthusiasts across multiple platforms, increasing your chances of engagement and growing your client base.


How to Repurpose Content with Content Remix

 Marketer working in the office, How to Repurpose Content with Content Remix


Now that we've covered what Content Remix is and why it's so valuable, you might be wondering, "Okay, but how do I actually use it?" Don't worry! While AI tools can sometimes seem intimidating, Content Remix is designed to be user-friendly and straightforward. 


Let's walk through the process step-by-step, so you can start repurposing your content like a pro:

1. Accessing Content Remix

First things first, let's get you to the Content Remix tool. Start by logging into your HubSpot account. Once you're in, navigate to the main menu and look for the "Content" option. Click on it, and you'll see a dropdown menu appear. 


You'll find "Remix" in this dropdown—that's what you want to click on. Just like that, you're in the Content Remix dashboard. See? Easy as pie!


2. Starting the Remix Process

Starting the Remix process, Add content to begin

It's time to kick off your first remix project now that you're in. Look for the "Start remixing" button and click it. At the top of the page, you'll notice an edit icon. 


Click on this to name your project. It's a good idea to choose something descriptive, like "Blog to Social Media Campaign" or "Product Launch Content Suite." This will help you keep track of your projects later. 


You'll see a box in the center of the screen that says "Add content." This is where the magic begins!


3. Adding and Customizing Content

Adding and customizing content, Select content types

It's time to add some content to the remix. Click on the "Add content" box in the center. You'll see a panel of options appear on the left. Let's say we're starting with a blog post:

  • Select "Webpages and text."
  • Choose "Content-Type" and select "Blog Post."
  • From the "Add content" dropdown, pick the blog post you want to remix.


After you've added your content, a "+" button will appear below it. This is your gateway to generating new content types. Click it, and you'll see a panel with checkboxes for different content types, such as social posts, emails, images, and more. 


Select the ones you're interested in creating. You can even choose how many pieces of each type you want to generate using the up and down arrows.


Once you've made your selections, click "Next" to move to the customization step. Here's where you can really fine-tune your content. You'll be able to set specific attributes for each content type. 


For example, when creating social media posts, you can choose which network they're for and what objective they should serve.


4. Incorporating External Content

What if your content isn't on HubSpot? No problem at all! When adding content, choose "Start from a URL" in the left panel. Then, simply paste the URL you want to remix into the webpage. 


Content Remix will analyze the page and use it to generate new content. It's that simple to bring in content from anywhere on the web.


5. Finalizing the Remix

You're in the home stretch now! After customizing your content types, hit that "Generate" button and watch Content Remix use the power of AI. It'll create your new content pieces in no time. Take a moment to review each piece by clicking on its preview text. 


If you like what you see, just click "Save and edit in-app" to add the generated content to its respective HubSpot tool, whether that's the social media scheduler, email tool, or something else.


Remember, this isn't a one-and-done deal. If you want to make changes or generate more content, you can always return to your remix project and add more pieces or edit existing ones. It's all about flexibility and making the tool work for you.


Tips for Effective Content Remixing

Now that you're familiar with how to use Content Remix, you might be tempted to start churning out remixed content left and right. But hold on a second! While Content Remix is a powerful tool, simply remixing content willy-nilly won't automatically make it effective.


If you don't tailor each piece to its specific platform and audience, you might end up with an Instagram post that reads like a formal email or an SMS that's way too long. Not ideal, right?


Instead, let's look at some tips to help you make the most of your remixed content and ensure it resonates with your audience across all channels.


1. Optimizing Content for Different Channels

Remixing different content types with HubSpot Content Remix


When it comes to content, one size definitely doesn't fit all. Each platform has its own unique characteristics and audience expectations. The key is to understand these nuances and adapt your content accordingly.


For instance, let's stick with our coffee shop example. On Instagram, you might want to focus on the visual aspect of your new espresso blend. Use Content Remix to generate a catchy caption that complements a photo of the espresso being pulled or the beans being roasted. 


For Twitter, you could remix your content into a series of short, punchy tweets that highlight key facts about the blend's origin or flavor profile.


On LinkedIn, you might take a more professional angle. Use Content Remix to transform your blog post into a discussion about the business aspects of sourcing single-origin beans or the growing trends in specialty coffee. 


For your email newsletter, you could dive deeper into the story behind the blend, perhaps including a profile of the farmers who grew the beans.


Content Remix is there to help you create these variations quickly, but you should always review and tweak the output to ensure it's perfectly tailored to each platform.


2. Maintaining Brand Consistency

While adapting your content for different channels is important, it's equally crucial to maintain a consistent brand voice across all your communications. 


Your brand voice is like your business's personality—it should be recognizable whether someone reads your blog, scrolls through your Instagram, or opens your email newsletter.


When using Content Remix, pay close attention to the language and tone of the generated content. Does it sound like you? Does it reflect your brand's values and personality? If not, don't be afraid to make adjustments.


Let's say your coffee shop brand is known for its friendly, slightly quirky tone. If Content Remix generates a formal, corporate-sounding social media post, take a moment to inject some of your brand's personality into it. 


Maybe add a pun about coffee or a playful emoji that you often use in your communications.


Consistency also applies to visual elements. If you're using Content Remix to generate images, ensure they align with your brand's color scheme and overall aesthetic. This consistency helps build brand recognition and trust across all touchpoints with your audience.


3. Experimenting with Visuals

Speaking of visuals, don't be afraid to experiment with the automated visual generation feature in Content Remix. Since we’re so visual-centric now, compelling images can significantly boost engagement across all platforms.


For our coffee shop, you could use Content Remix to generate a variety of images:

  • An infographic showing the journey of your coffee beans from farm to cup
  • A series of quotes from customers raving about the new espresso blend
  • A map highlighting the region where your single-origin beans are grown
  • A visual comparison of flavor notes between your new blend and others


When experimenting with visuals, keep in mind the platform you're posting on. Instagram and Pinterest are highly visual platforms where high-quality, eye-catching images are crucial. For LinkedIn or your blog, you might want to focus more on informative graphics or charts.


AI-generated visuals are a starting point. Feel free to add your touch—maybe overlay your logo, adjust the colors to match your brand palette, or add some custom text. The goal is to create visuals that not only catch the eye but also reinforce your message and brand identity.


Unleash Your Content's Full Potential with Content Remix

HubSpot's Content Remix, through the power of AI, it can help you transform a single piece of content into a multi-channel marketing campaign, saving you precious time and resources.


Remember the efficiency gains we talked about? Instead of spending hours crafting unique content for each platform, you can now repurpose your best ideas in minutes. This not only saves you time but also ensures a consistent message across all your channels.


It also helps you expand your reach, tapping into audiences you might have missed before. That insightful blog post you wrote last week? It could become a series of engaging tweets, an eye-catching infographic, or even the script for your next video. 


Every piece of content you create has the potential to work harder for you—Content Remix is can help you harness that potential.


Ready to Revolutionize Your Content Strategy? Let's Get Started!

If you're excited about the possibilities Content Remix opens up for your business (and you should be!), we're here to help you make the most of this powerful tool. 


At O63, we specialize in helping businesses like yours leverage cutting-edge HubSpot tools to their fullest potential. Why not take the next step and see how Content Remix can transform your content strategy? 


We'd love to hear about your experiences as you start using this tool. Have you discovered a particularly effective way to repurpose your content? Did you see a sudden spike in engagement after remixing an old blog post? Your insights could be invaluable to others on the same journey.


Get in touch with O63 today, and let's start amplifying your content's impact across all channels. Your audience is waiting—let's give them something to talk about!


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