O63 Blog

Getting Started with HubSpot AI: Roadmap Boosting Productivity

Written by Origin 63 | Oct 1, 2024 12:00:00 PM

Every hour you spend on manual tasks is an hour not spent on growing your business—AI can help you change that. AI tools can do things for you like automate repetitive tasks and predict customer needs.


Change can be intimidating, especially with new tech. But once you get past the initial learning curve, the benefits of AI adoption are worth the effort. It can help make things easier for your team and create a better customer experience.


This blog will guide you through a clear, simple roadmap to get started with HubSpot AI, so you can see real improvements in your workflow and customer interactions.


What Is HubSpot AI?


HubSpot AI is a set of tools that are built into the HubSpot platform. These tools help you work smarter, not harder. They tap into the power of AI to automate tasks, improve efficiency, and create personalized customer experiences. 


For example, HubSpot AI can help you save time by letting AI handle tasks like sending follow-up emails, scheduling meetings, or organizing contacts.


They get insights into what your customers want and how they interact with your brand, so you can make informed decisions. You can also use AI to tailor your messages based on individual customer preferences, improving engagement and conversion rates.


Here are three HubSpot AI tools to help you boost your business:


1. AI-Powered Replies

HubSpot’s AI-Powered Replies is like having an instant helper for your team. It suggests quick and accurate responses to customer questions right as they come in. 


Imagine you get a common question like, "What’s your return policy?"—instead of typing a reply from scratch, the AI provides a ready-made response. This makes answering questions faster and keeps your customers happy, because they get the info they need without long wait times.


2. Conversation Intelligence


Conversation Intelligence is like a personal coach for your customer service. It records and analyzes your team’s chats, giving you a clear picture of how things are going. It shows you things like how long it takes to respond and what topics come up the most. 


For example, if you see that responses to billing questions are slow, you can focus on speeding those up. This tool helps you spot what’s working well and where you might need to make improvements.


3. Recommended Follow-Up Actions


With HubSpot AI, following up after a chat becomes a breeze. After a conversation, the AI creates a summary and suggests the next steps, so you don’t have to keep track of everything yourself. 


Think of it as having a friendly assistant who reminds you of what you need to do next. This keeps your follow-ups organized and ensures you’re always on top of what’s needed to keep your customers satisfied.


Why Should You Adopt HubSpot AI Tools?

Adopting AI tools is about staying competitive and efficient in a fast-changing business landscape. Nearly 80% of businesses need to adapt every 2-5 years to stay afloat. HubSpot AI tools can help with that adaptation by making daily tasks easier and more efficient. 


For example, service professionals save over two hours each day using AI to respond to customer inquiries faster. AI also enhances the quality of interactions. 84% of service reps say AI helps them respond to tickets more easily, while 64% say it helps to personalize responses. 


However, successful adoption of AI isn’t just about having the right tools—it’s also about effective communication and team involvement. Without clear communication from leadership, change initiatives can fall flat. 


Mistrust within an organization makes 41% of employees resistant to change. Other barriers include lack of awareness about why changes are happening (39%), fear of the unknown (38%), changes in job roles (27%), and feeling excluded from decision-making (23%).


To truly harness the benefits of HubSpot AI, leaders need to engage their teams, explain the reasons behind adopting new tools, and create an environment of trust and inclusion. 


How to Implement HubSpot AI

As any team leader knows, jumping impulsively into change can lead to confusion and resistance. Employee resistance to change and lack of management support cause at least 70% of change initiatives to fail.


To maximize the impact of HubSpot AI, you need a well-planned rollout that considers both the technical aspects and your team’s readiness. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you implement HubSpot AI effectively.


1. Start Small with Big Impact

Instead of overhauling everything at once, begin by focusing on a few specific tasks where AI can make a noticeable difference. Look for repetitive or time-consuming activities in your workflow that are ripe for automation.


For example, if your team spends a lot of time managing customer support tickets, you might focus on using AI to improve your ticket close rate. If customers often seek answers to common questions, AI can help provide better self-service options, allowing you to deflect more tickets.


Begin with use cases that have clear, measurable outcomes so you can easily track improvements. Starting with a couple of targeted use cases allows you to manage the change more effectively. These early wins can help build excitement and confidence in the new tools.


2. Know What Success Looks Like

Once you’ve picked your focus areas, it’s time to set clear and measurable goals. What does success with AI look like for your team? This could mean boosting customer satisfaction scores, cutting down on ticket handling times, or improving your Net Promoter Score. 


For instance, if you’re using AI to handle customer queries, a successful outcome might be resolving 30% more tickets in the first interaction or cutting response times by 20%.


Defining these success metrics upfront provides a clear direction for your AI implementation and helps everyone understand what they’re working toward. It also makes it easier to measure progress and demonstrate the value of AI to stakeholders.


3. Prepare Your Team for Success


Now that you know what you want to achieve, it’s time to get your team ready. You need effective training. 83% of workers who had a hard time during change say their employer has not provided enough tools or resources to help them adapt.


Focus on helping your team understand not just how to use the AI tools but why they’re beneficial. Show them how AI can reduce repetitive tasks and free up time for more meaningful work, like building relationships with customers.


Utilize resources like HubSpot’s Spotlight and AI YouTube playlist to provide easy-to-understand guides and tutorials. 


Consider working with HubSpot implementation partners, such as Origin 63, to offer customized training that meets your team’s specific needs. A well-prepared team is more likely to embrace new technology and use it effectively.


4. Test the Waters with a Pilot Project

With your team equipped and ready, it’s time to test your AI tools in a real-world setting. Launch a small-scale pilot project focusing on the use cases you identified earlier. 


Monitor progress closely, gather feedback from your team, and look for any challenges or successes. Encouraging your team to share their experiences openly will help you refine your approach.


Create a supportive environment where your team feels comfortable discussing what works and what doesn’t. Joining HubSpot Community forums can also provide valuable peer support and insights. 


Learning from others who are on the same journey can spark new ideas and help you improve your AI strategy.


5. Refine and Expand

After your pilot project, it’s time to take a step back and analyze the results. How did the AI tools perform against your success metrics? 


Use this information to make any necessary adjustments to your AI strategy. If the pilot is successful, think about expanding AI usage to other areas of your business.


Remember, implementing AI is an ongoing process. Regularly review your strategy, adapt as new tools and features become available, and continue to gather feedback from your team. 


Staying flexible and responsive will help you maximize the benefits of HubSpot AI and keep your business at the forefront of innovation.


Embrace the Future with HubSpot AI

Implementing HubSpot AI tools can transform how your business operates, making your processes more efficient and enhancing customer interactions. 


Tools like AI-Powered Replies and Conversation Intelligence can help you reduce response times and customer resolutions, elevating your team’s performance.


However, jumping into change without a plan can lead to confusion and resistance, potentially undermining the benefits of AI tools. To make the most of HubSpot AI, carefully select your use cases, set clear goals, prepare your team with proper training, and pilot the tools effectively. 


Embracing AI isn't just about keeping up—it's about leading the way in efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Ready to Get Started? Work with Origin 63!

Partnering with Origin 63 can simplify your HubSpot AI implementation and maximize your results. Our expert team offers tailored support and training to help you navigate the adoption process smoothly and effectively. 

Don't just keep up with the trends—excel with them. Contact us today to discover how we can help your business thrive with HubSpot AI.