CRM Meets Call

Origin 63
October 8,2024
7 minute read

HubSpot & Aircall’s Reporting Features for Improved Performance

Many of us have experienced the frustration of having a super-smart phone system that doesn't play nicely with our customer relationship management (CRM) tool.


The right integration can make a huge difference here. Aircall is a cloud-based phone system that effortlessly handles your calls, while HubSpot organizes customer data, giving you a complete view of interactions.


In this blog, we’ll show you how to use HubSpot and Aircall’s reporting features to boost your team’s performance and work more efficiently.


How Does the HubSpot & Aircall Integration Work?

Customer service representative using the HubSpot & Aircall Integration at work


HubSpot organizes all your customer information in one place, making it easy to track every interaction. Aircall, on the other hand, logs your calls and provides insights into who’s calling and what they need.


When you integrate these two tools, they start sharing information instantly. Every call updates your customer data in HubSpot, giving you immediate access to everything you need for better decision-making and smoother workflows.


Let's say a customer calls your support line. As soon as their call comes in, your support agent sees a pop-up with all their info—purchase history, any previous issues, even notes from their last call. 


Your agent doesn't have to put the customer on hold to dig up information or ask her to repeat her story. Instead, they can jump in and help, making the customer feel like a VIP. 


This seamless flow of information makes your team more efficient and makes your customers feel heard and valued. 70% of consumers expect company representatives to know their purchase history and previous interactions.


6 Simple Steps to Set Up HubSpot & Aircall Reporting

Clear reporting on call data helps you understand what's working, what's not, and where to improve. Setting up these reports doesn't have to be a headache. Here are six simple steps to get you started:


Step 1: Connect HubSpot & Aircall

First, let's get these two tools talking to each other. Log into your HubSpot account, navigate to the App Marketplace, and search for Aircall. Click on "Connect," and follow the prompts. It's as easy as that!

Once connected, you'll start seeing Aircall data flow into HubSpot, setting the stage for some seriously insightful reporting.


Step 2: Create Custom Properties to Track Key Metrics

 Create custom properties to tag metrics, HubSpot Custom Reports


It's time to decide what specific data you want to track. This is where custom properties come in handy. 

Custom properties are like special labels you create to track specific information about your contacts or companies. They're useful for tracking metrics that matter to your business.


Here's how to create one:

  1. In HubSpot, go to Settings > Properties
  2. Click "Create property"
  3. Name it something clear like "Qualified Leads"
  4. Choose the property type (e.g., "Number")


For example, if you created a "Qualified Leads" property, every time an Aircall user tags a call as "Qualified Lead," it could potentially update this property. But to make this happen automatically, we need to set up a workflow, which brings us to our next step.


Step 3: Automate Tag Tracking with HubSpot Workflows


Automate Tag Tracking with HubSpot Workflows


HubSpot workflow automates tasks based on certain triggers, saving you time and ensuring consistency in your data tracking. In this case, we'll use a workflow to update our custom property automatically based on Aircall tags.


Let's continue with our "Qualified Leads" example. You want to know how many qualified leads your team members generate through phone calls. Without automation, your team must manually update the "Qualified Leads" count after each call. 


That's time-consuming and prone to errors. Instead, we can create a workflow:

  1. Go to Automation > Workflows
  2. Create a new workflow
  3. Set the trigger: "When a contact is added to a call"
  4. Add an if/then branch: "If the call has tag 'Qualified Lead'"
  5. Then: "Increment the Qualified Leads property by 1"


In plain English, this workflow says: "Every time a call is logged, check if it has the 'Qualified Lead' tag. If it does, add 1 to our Qualified Leads count."


Step 4: Create Custom Reports to Visualize Your Data


: Create custom report to visualize your data, HubSpot Custom Reports


Now that our data is flowing and our custom properties are updating automatically, it's time for the fun part—turning data into actionable insights through custom reports.


Custom reports in HubSpot are incredibly powerful because they allow you to visualize your data in a way that makes sense for your needs. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Reports > Create custom report
  2. Choose "Contacts" as your data source
  3. Add "Qualified Leads" as your metric
  4. Group by "Contact owner"


This report will show how many leads each sales rep qualifies based on their call tags. It's a great way to see who's crushing it and who might need extra support.


Step 5: Build Reports to Track Call Performance

What do you want to report on? HubSpot Custom Report to track call performance


While the custom report we created in Step 4 is great for tracking our specific "Qualified Leads" metric, there are several other reports you'll want to set up to get a comprehensive view of your call performance. Let's walk through each of these reports and why they're valuable:

  • Total number of calls made: This gives you an overview of your team's activity.
  • Call duration per user: See who's spending the most (or least) time on calls.
  • Calls made by team members: Track individual performance.


Use filters to narrow down your data (e.g., by date range or team), and play around with different chart types to find what works best for you.


A line graph of total calls over the past year might help you spot seasonal trends, while a pie chart of calls by team members for the current month could quickly show you who your top performers are.


Step 6: Use Reports to Improve Team Performance

Now comes the fun part—using reports to boost your team’s performance. Start by looking for trends. For example, are certain types of calls taking longer? This might point to a common issue that needs addressing.


Next, use the data to coach your team. If one rep consistently qualifies more leads than others, it’s worth exploring what they’re doing differently and sharing those strategies. You can also refine your overall strategy by spotting patterns in call topics. 


If many calls revolve around a specific product feature, it could be time for an FAQ update or additional training.


Examples of Useful Reports You Can Create

Getting real insights from customer interactions can greatly impact your success. With HubSpot and Aircall working together, you can easily create reports showing what’s happening in your business, what your customers need, and how your team performs. 


Here are useful reports you can create and how they can help drive your business forward:


Total Number of Calls

Total calls graph, HubSpot Custom Reports

This report shows the pulse of your customer interactions over time, forming the foundation for understanding your team's call activity.


A customer success manager at a SaaS company might create a "Total Number of Calls" report filtered by week. They notice that call volume spikes every Tuesday. This insight allows them to ensure the team is fully staffed on Tuesdays and use slower days for training or project work. 


They might also investigate why Tuesdays are so busy – perhaps related to product usage patterns. This information could inform product development or proactive customer outreach strategies.


Call Duration Reports

Average call duration graph, HubSpot Custom Reports

These reports help you understand how much time your team spends on calls, both in total and on average per call.


A sales manager at a B2B company might find that their top-performing sales rep has an average call duration of 12 minutes, while most others average around 20 minutes. This doesn't necessarily mean the top performer is rushing. It could mean they've perfected their pitch. 


The manager could use this insight to have the top performer share best practices with the team, potentially increasing overall efficiency and conversion rates.


Calls Made by Each User

 Calls made by rep graph, HubSpot Custom Reports

This report visualizes the call activity of individual team members, helping you understand workload distribution and individual productivity.


A support team leader at an e-commerce company might notice that one team member handles significantly fewer calls than others. Upon investigation, they found out that this team member spends more time on complex issues that others escalate. 


This insight could lead to the creation of a new "technical specialist" role on the team, improving overall efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Qualified Leads Generated by Tags

This report helps you track the number of qualified leads generated through phone interactions based on the tags your team uses in Aircall.


A marketing director at a financial services firm might see that leads from a recent webinar campaign are being qualified at a much higher rate than other sources. 


This insight could motivate them to invest more in webinar marketing, analyze what qualifies these leads, and apply what they have learned to other marketing channels.


Customer Pain Points and Requests

This report uses call tags to analyze and quantify the issues and requests that come up most frequently in customer calls.


A product manager at a tech startup might notice that many calls are tagged with "Feature Request: Mobile App." This data provides concrete evidence to support prioritizing mobile app development in the product roadmap. 


They could also use this information to create targeted communication addressing common pain points, potentially reducing call volume and improving customer satisfaction.


3 Ways These Reports Can Boost Business Performance

Harnessing the power of data isn't just about creating pretty charts—it's about turning insights into action. The reports you generate from your HubSpot and Aircall integration can be powerful catalysts for improving your business performance. 


Let's explore three key ways these reports can drive tangible results for your organization.


1. Track Sales Progress Easily

Companies using advanced analytics in their sales processes see a 15-25% increase in sales productivity. Custom reports allow you to monitor your sales team's performance, providing real-time insights into how well they engage with leads.


For instance, by monitoring the number of qualified leads per rep using Aircall tags, you can quickly identify top performers and those needing additional support. This data lets you:

  • Recognize and reward high-performing team members
  • Identify best practices that can be shared across the team
  • Provide targeted coaching and training where it's needed most
  • Set realistic, data-driven goals for lead qualification


Consistently tracking this metric, you can drive continuous improvement in your sales process, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and increased revenue.


2. Identify Customer Trends and Needs

Customer service representative talking to a customer, Identify Customer Trends and Needs


Analyzing the frequency of different call tags can Analyzing how often different tags are used in calls can reveal important insights about your customers' needs, pain points, and desires. 


For instance, frequent calls with specific feature requests can inform product development, allowing you to prioritize updates in your roadmap. 


In customer support, recognizing common issues can guide the creation of targeted FAQs or knowledge base articles, which may help reduce call volume. A clearer understanding of customer needs can shape marketing messaging and campaigns more effectively. 


For sales, insights into pain points can help reps personalize their pitches to better address customer concerns. Research shows that collecting customer feedback can also increase upselling and cross-selling success rates by 15-20%.


Aligning your strategies with real customer feedback can enhance satisfaction, lower churn rates, and show new market opportunities.


3. Optimize Team Efficiency

Optimizing your team’s efficiency starts with analyzing reports on call duration and frequency, which are powerful tools for ensuring a balanced workload. 


For example, if you notice that certain team members consistently have longer call times, it might indicate a need for additional training in call management or product knowledge.


Monitoring call frequency per team member also allows you to distribute workloads evenly, helping to prevent burnout. Understanding peak call times can inform staffing schedules, ensuring enough team members are available during busy periods. 


Using average call durations can help you establish realistic benchmarks, boosting overall efficiency without sacrificing quality.


the Power of HubSpot & Aircall Integration for Business Growth

Integrating HubSpot and Aircall offers a solution for companies that want to streamline operations and boost performance. The six simple steps outlined in this blog help you harness the full potential of these tools, creating insightful reports that drive real business results.


You’ll gain a wealth of data-driven insights, from tracking sales progress and identifying customer trends to optimizing team efficiency. Then, you can make informed decisions, improve customer satisfaction, and drive your business forward.


Success is not just having access to data but knowing how to interpret and act on it. HubSpot and Aircall's reporting features equip your team with the tools to excel in their roles and contribute to your company's growth.


Take Your HubSpot & Aircall Integration to the Next Level with Origin63

Ready to maximize the potential of your HubSpot and Aircall integration? Partner with HubSpot experts who can help you unlock more value from these powerful tools.


At Origin 63, our team of HubSpot specialists can help you customize advanced reports tailored to your business needs, develop strategies to act on the insights gained from your integrated data and optimize your workflows for maximum efficiency.


We’ll also train your team to maximize the HubSpot and Aircall integration. Contact Origin 63 today to start your journey towards data-driven excellence!

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