Seamless Collaboration for Customer Success

Origin 63
September 20,2024
6 minute read

Seamless Team Collaboration in HubSpot Customer Success Workspace

Imagine being a Customer Success Manager managing multiple accounts, tracking renewals, client interactions, and team updates—while your inbox overflows and sticky notes pile up. Chaos, right? Without strong collaboration, customer success can quickly spiral out of control.


Enter HubSpot's Customer Success Workspace: your tool to transform chaos into order. It keeps teams organized, aligned, and informed, like a virtual command center providing easy access to the information you need.


This post will explain how the Workspace can enhance your team’s collaboration with features, tips, and strategies to simplify your work.


What Is HubSpot’s Customer Success Workspace?

 A female customer success manager working on a computer, What Is HubSpot’s Customer Success Workspace?

The Customer Success Workspace is a HubSpot feature that combines all the tools and information CSMs need to keep their customers happy and thriving. 


You get a bird's-eye view of all your accounts, complete with health scores, upcoming renewals, and recent activities, all in one place. It helps you streamline your daily workflow, prioritize tasks, track customer interactions, and spot issues before they become problems


One of the best things about the Customer Success Workspace is how it fosters collaboration. It's not just for individual CSMs to manage their accounts, it's a space where your entire team can work together seamlessly.

 You can share information, coordinate on accounts, and ensure every customer gets the attention they deserve.


What Are Shared Views in the Customer Success Workspace?

Create shared views in HubSpot, What are shared views?

One of the standout features in the Customer Success Workspace is shared views, which are custom lenses for organizing customer data.


Here's how it works: Create views to show specific data, like accounts up for renewal or high-priority clients who need follow-ups. Then, share these views with your team or specific colleagues, ensuring everyone is on the same page. 


No more digging through spreadsheets—shared views provide instant, up-to-date insights for the whole team. They improve collaboration by breaking down silos, enabling smooth handoffs, and ensuring consistent customer experiences. 


For example, if a team member is out, they can create a view of accounts needing attention so that others can step in seamlessly. Shared views also help spot trends and opportunities, empowering teams to address challenges proactively.


Assigning Account Ownership in HubSpot

Account ownership means assigning each customer a dedicated point person who knows them inside and out. The point person manages the account, serves as the primary contact, and meets customer needs.


Without it, managing customer accounts can become chaotic. Important tasks may slip through the cracks, customers might receive conflicting information, and they may feel neglected. 


Here’s how to assign accounts in HubSpot:

How to Assign & View Account Ownership in HubSpot

How to Assign & View Account Ownership in HubSpot


Ready to start assigning account owners in HubSpot? Great! Here's a step-by-step guide to help you set up and manage account ownership like a pro:

  1. First, log into your HubSpot account and head to the Customer Success Workspace.
  2. Go to the settings menu, and select the HubSpot user property representing the CSM assignment. This is where you tell HubSpot which field to use for account ownership.
  3. Choose the property you want to use. It might be like "Account Manager" or "Customer Success Manager." Once you've selected the property, save your changes.
  4. Now, to assign an owner to an account, go to the company or custom object record (depending on how you've set up your workspace). Find the property you selected for the CSM assignment. It might be in the "About" section or another area of the record.
  5. Click on the edit icon (usually a little pencil) next to this property. You'll see a dropdown menu with a list of users. Select the appropriate person to be the account owner.
  6. Save your changes, and voila! You've just assigned an account owner.

You can create a custom view in your Customer Success Workspace to view account ownership, including the CSM assignment property. This way, you can easily see who owns which accounts.


Benefits of Clear Account Ownership

View assigned accounts in HubSpot, Benefits of clear account ownership

Clear ownership gives each customer a personal champion who knows their needs, goals, and challenges. This isn’t just another faceless representative—it’s a go-to person the customer can rely on for consistent, personalized support.


66% of customers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations; clear ownership helps with this.


Clarity provides accountability. Everyone knows who's responsible, eliminating confusion and preventing tasks from slipping through the cracks. 


It also helps you improve response times and service quality. Instead of bouncing customers between team members, their dedicated account owner provides quick, informed assistance.


Customers feel valued and loyal when they have someone who truly understands them. For your team, clear ownership prevents duplicate efforts, reduces miscommunication, and keeps everyone focused, improving overall efficiency and the customer experience.


How to Enhance Service with Collaboration Using HubSpot

Without effective teamwork, communication can falter, tasks might get overlooked, and customers can feel neglected. HubSpot’s Customer Success Workspace offers several powerful tools that help teams stay aligned, organized, and focused on providing seamless service:


1. Using Shared Views for Team Collaboration

Shared views in HubSpot allow your team to stay on the same page by creating customized views of customer data. These views can display important information, such as accounts nearing renewal or clients requiring follow-up. 


Everyone accesses the same, up-to-date information, eliminating confusion and ensuring consistency.

For example, your team prepares for a big quarterly business review with an account. With a shared view, everyone can see the account's recent interactions, pending issues, and upcoming milestones. 


Someone from support can quickly add notes about recent tickets, while someone else from sales can update the latest upsell opportunities. When it's time for the meeting, the team is aligned and ready to provide value.


Or consider onboarding a new customer. You could create a shared view of all new accounts, showing their onboarding progress, upcoming tasks, and contacts. Anyone on the team can help, ensuring a smooth and consistent onboarding experience.


2. Communicating Within the Workspace

Mention a user on a record in HubSpot, Communicating within a workspace


HubSpot's Customer Success Workspace isn't just about organizing data—it's also a communication hub for your team. Teams that communicate effectively increase their productivity by 25%


You can leave notes, comments, and updates directly on customer records, ensuring that important information isn't lost in a sea of emails or chat messages.


When leaving comments or updates, think of it as leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for your teammates. Be clear and concise, and provide context. 


For example, instead of just writing "Called customer," try something like "Spoke with Jane (CEO) about an upcoming product launch. She's excited but concerned about training. Follow up next week with training resources."


Anyone on your team will know these important, personal details, which will help them better relate to Jane once they start communicating with her.


3. Coordinating to Provide the Best Service

86% of employees and executives cite a lack of collaboration or ineffective communication as a cause of workplace failures. On the other hand, when your team collaborates seamlessly, it shows in the quality of service you provide. How would this work?


Let's say you have an account considering not renewing its contract. Using HubSpot's collaboration tools, your team sprung into action. Your account manager created a shared view for the account, highlighting usage data, open support tickets, and upcoming renewal dates.


The support team used this view to prioritize and quickly resolve the customer's open tickets. Meanwhile, the product team saw that they weren't using an important feature and created a custom training session. 


The account manager coordinated all these efforts and kept the customer updated on the progress.


The result? The client felt heard and valued. They not only renewed their contract but also upgraded to a higher tier. This win was possible because the team collaborated effectively within the HubSpot Customer Success Workspace.


4. Avoiding Overlaps and Gaps

One of the biggest challenges in customer success is ensuring nothing falls through the cracks while avoiding duplicate efforts. It's like trying to cover a picnic table with perfectly aligned tablecloths—you don't want gaps, but you also don't want too much overlap.


Shared views in HubSpot help prevent these issues. Having a centralized place to view and update customer information reduces the risk of two team members unknowingly working on the same task. It also helps ensure that no account is overlooked.


To maintain comprehensive and synchronized account management, consider creating views showing accounts that haven't been contacted recently or overdue tasks. 


You could also set up automated workflows that assign follow-up tasks after certain events, like a closed support ticket or a sales call.


Improve Collaboration for Better Service

From shared views that keep everyone in sync to clear account ownership that ensures no customer is left behind to communication tools that turn your team into a well-oiled machine— we've discussed many ways to enhance collaboration.


Implementing these collaborative practices isn't just about making your team's life easier (though it certainly does that). It's about creating a seamless, personal, and consistently excellent customer experience. 

When your team collaborates effectively, your customers feel it. They feel valued, understood, and supported at every step of their journey with your company. But reading about these fantastic features is just the first step. 


You only experience the benefits when you put them into action. The proof is in the pudding—or, in this case, increased customer satisfaction and team efficiency.


Partner with O63 to Transform Your Customer Success Approach

We're not just HubSpot experts. We’re also customer success enthusiasts passionate about helping businesses like yours leverage the full power of HubSpot's Customer Success Workspace.


Partnering with Origin 63 means you're getting a HubSpot implementation and a trusted advisor who will guide you through every step of the process. We'll help you set up your Customer Success Workspace to match your unique business needs.


Ready to get started? Contact Origin 63 today, and let's begin your journey towards customer success excellence. 

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