Leveraging HubSpot for Granular Insights

Leveraging HubSpot for Granular Insights
Origin 63
June 28,2024
5 minute read

Leveraging Granular Filtering for In-Depth Insights in HubSpot

Without proper analysis and insights into your support processes, identifying areas for improvement can be challenging. Analytics helps you understand your customers' needs, measure your team's performance, and pinpoint opportunities to enhance service delivery.


HubSpot's service analytics reports are a game-changer for businesses seeking to elevate their customer support game. Right out of the box, you'll find a wealth of pre-built reports that provide valuable insights into customer satisfaction, team performance, and ticket metrics. 


This blog will explain how these reports offer a comprehensive view of your support operations, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and continually optimize your processes.


Why Analytics Matter in Customer Service

Customer service team analyzing service analytics to improve customer service

Providing excellent customer service is essential for retaining customers and fostering growth. In fact, customer-centric organizations can become up to 60% more profitable than their competitors. 


Great customer service keeps people returning, but guessing how you're doing can be tough. A survey found that 22% of leaders consider it difficult to understand customer needs, while 21% find it challenging to adapt to increasingly demanding expectations. 


Analytics help you see things clearly. Here's why they matter:


  1. Find Hidden Customer Struggles 

Traditional feedback methods might miss the whole picture. Analytics can reveal recurring pain points identified through ticket keywords or high first-contact resolution rates for specific issues.


  1. Identify Top-Performing Agents

Emulate success! Analytics pinpoint agents consistently resolving tickets quickly and efficiently, allowing you to replicate their strategies for team-wide improvement.


  1. Optimize Resource Allocation 

Are your agents swamped with specific types of issues? Analytics can highlight trends, allowing you to strategically schedule staff or create self-service resources to address common problems.


HubSpot's service analytics reports provide the data you need to take action on these insights. They offer pre-built reports that go beyond basic metrics, giving you a clear picture of your customer service health and opportunities for improvement.


These reports show exactly how your customer service is doing and where you can improve.


HubSpot's Core Service Analytics Reports

HubSpot has built-in reports that show you everything about your customer service. These reports help you see how your team is doing, how happy your customers are, and how you handle tickets.


Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Reporting 

It's important to know if your customers are happy with the support they receive. HubSpot's CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) reports let you understand customer sentiments in depth. 


These reports show the actual CSAT scores over time and spot any positive or negative trends. This allows you to pinpoint areas you may need to improve to satisfy customers.


For example, you may notice CSAT scores dropping for tickets related to a particular product or issue type. That would signal you need to look into what's going on and make some changes, like additional training for agents or updates to knowledge base articles.


Team Performance Metrics Reporting

Customer service team evaluating performance metrics


You should also evaluate how your customer support team is performing overall. Are they responding to tickets promptly? Are there certain agents who need more training or support? HubSpot's team performance reports give you key metrics like:

  • Average time for agents to resolve tickets
  • Chat wait times for customers
  • Number of tickets coming in from different sources (email, chat, etc.)
  • Individual agent performance stats


With these insights, you can identify your star performers and agents struggling and needing extra coaching. You can also see if you need to adjust staffing levels during busier periods.


58% of agents say that the lack of consumer data often causes negative customer experiences, highlighting the importance of having these metrics to identify and address issues.


Ticket Analytics Reporting 

Tickets are at the heart of any customer support operation. HubSpot's ticket reports examine your ticket volumes, resolution times, and any potential roadblocks in your processes.

You can analyze trends like:

  • Total number of new tickets over time
  • How long does it take to resolve different types of tickets
  • If there are any "stuck" stages in your pipeline where tickets get delayed


Having this ticket data at your fingertips lets you streamline processes to resolve tickets faster. You can reallocate resources, provide coaching, or make other operational improvements to increase efficiency.


Mastering SLA Reporting in HubSpot

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are like promises to customers about how quickly you'll answer them.  HubSpot's SLA reports help you track if you're keeping those promises.


Navigating SLA Reports 

To access SLA reporting in HubSpot, go to the Reports section and create a new report. Then, search for "SLAs," and you'll see several pre-built SLA reports ready to use right out of the box.

HubSpot CRM, How to access SLA reports in HubSpot


For example, a report breaks down the percentage of tickets that met or missed their SLA timelines each day, week, or month. This makes it easy to spot periods when you may have fallen behind on SLA compliance.

Analyzing SLA Performance Metrics 

The SLA reports give you valuable metrics to understand whether your team consistently meets your promised service levels. Stats include:

  • Number of overdue tickets still open
  • Which agents or ticket types tend to have more late completions
  • Average resolution times compared to SLA targets

Digging into these metrics helps you identify the areas struggling with SLA attainment. For example, tickets for a certain product line or issue type may frequently miss their SLAs, and certain agents may need coaching to improve their resolution times.

Using SLA Insights to Improve Processes

Reviewing the SLA reports allows you to align your processes to hit your service level targets consistently. The data helps you make informed decisions like adjusting staffing levels or schedules during peak periods

You can also update SLA policies if targets are frequently missed and implement process improvements like better prioritization

With HubSpot's in-depth SLA analysis, you have the insights to diagnose issues and make data-driven improvements to customer service processes. This leads to more efficient operations and better adherence to SLA commitments over time. 

Taking Analytics to the Next Level with Granular Filtering

HubSpot's reports are great, but you can get even more specific. Filters help you zoom in on specific areas and uncover hidden trends to help you make even better decisions.

The Value of Granular Filtering

Filtering is especially valuable in ticket reports. HubSpot allows you to slice and dice the data in many ways to get a granular view tailored to your needs.

You're not limited to looking at all tickets as a whole. Filtering lets you drill down into specific segments, such as tickets from certain channels, products, priorities, etc. This fine-tuned analysis can reveal insights you may otherwise miss.

Filtering Tickets by Type, Category, and Priority

One of the handiest filtering options for ticket reports lets you filter by ticket type, category, and the priority level assigned. So you can analyze metrics like:

  • How your team handles different issue types (billing, technical support, etc.)
  • Performance on tickets within specific product/service categories
  • If you're meeting SLAs for high-priority tickets from VIP customers


This level of granular analysis is invaluable. It enables you to pinpoint strengths, uncover weaknesses, and identify areas for improvement in how your team supports each ticket segment.

Here's how to see specific data in your HubSpot reports with filters:


HubSpot CRM, How to see specific data in your HubSpot reports with filters

  • Click "Filter" or "Add to filters." This opens the filter settings.
  • Choose how to combine filters (AND, OR).
    • AND: Show data that meets ALL conditions.
    • OR: Show data that meets ANY condition.


HubSpot CRM, How to customize filter rules

  • Set filter conditions for each field.
  • Click a field, choose a condition (e.g., "equals"), and select a value.
  • Click "Apply" after setting each condition.
  • Group filters with logic.
  • Click the filter you want to group.
  • Click the Group with another filter dropdown menu and select the filter number to group with.
  • Click Apply.
  • Use Text in Filter Rules:
  • Enter text directly into the Filter rules field, e.g., 1 and (NOT 2).
  • Ensure the NOT filter is written in caps.


Gaining Nuanced Team Performance Insights

You can make smarter, more targeted decisions to optimize team performance and processes by leveraging these filtered, granular views into your data.


For example, you may need to provide billing process training if you see long handle times for billing issue tickets. Similarly, if high-priority tickets frequently miss SLAs, you could reevaluate prioritization and staffing.


These nuanced, data-driven insights allow you to make highly tailored improvements instead of just taking a one-size-fits-all approach. Consistent optimization based on this granular analysis leads to exceptional customer service delivery across all ticket types and categories.


The importance of exceptional service cannot be overstated, as 80% of consumers develop an emotional connection with a brand when their problem is resolved by customer service.


HubSpot's Robust Service Analytics Capabilities

HubSpot's service analytics reports empower businesses with a comprehensive suite of tools for understanding customer satisfaction, evaluating team performance, analyzing ticket trends, and monitoring SLA compliance. 


From out-of-the-box reports to granular filtering capabilities, these analytics tools provide invaluable insights that can drive continuous improvement and elevated customer service delivery.


Exceptional customer service is essential for building lasting relationships and fostering customer loyalty. 

HubSpot's service analytics tools can help you understand your support operations deeply, identify improvement areas, and make data-driven decisions to keep improving your processes.


Partner with Origin 63 to Experience HubSpot’s In-Depth Insights

Origin 63 can help you unlock the full potential of HubSpot’s analytics tools. Our team of experts will guide you through leveraging HubSpot's robust reporting capabilities, implementing granular filtering techniques, and extracting invaluable insights that drive continuous improvement.


Contact Origin 63 today and elevate your business with HubSpot's in-depth insights.



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  • Elite HubSpot Solutions Partner
    Origin 63 ranks in the top 1% out of the 2,400+ HubSpot Partners in North America. Less than 9% of all HubSpot Partners globally achieve the HubSpot Partner “Elite” tier status.
  • Member of HubSpot Partner Advisory Council for North America
    We influence change and growth with HubSpot by sharing perspectives and creating strategies together.
  • Tailored solutions paired with a high-touch service model
    We offer advanced support services for custom technical projects, high-touch onboarding, and a subscription program for strategic ongoing HubSpot support needs.
  • Core focus is 100% dedicated to professional HubSpot solutions
     As a “master of our trade,” our technical expertise and efficiency are unrivaled by our competitors.

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